Experienced Mortgage Fraud Lawyers Safeguarding Your Interests In Federal Court
Criminal charges of mortgage fraud in state and federal court can range from false statements to a bank or mortgage company, falsification of HUD documents, and money laundering, to name just a few. Real estate fraud and mortgage fraud are serious white-collar crimes. Attorneys Robert T. Jarvis and Matt Hamilton at the Jarvis & Hamilton Law Firm in Sherman work hard to defend you against them. The accomplished attorneys at the Jarvis & Hamilton Law Firm investigate thoroughly to shed light on the circumstances surrounding your arrest for mortgage fraud. They bring a proven track record and name you can trust to the hard work that will be needed to put this crisis behind you. Bob Jarvis and Matt Hamilton apply their background as prosecutors to the advocacy they offer behind the scenes and in the courtroom. They stay a step ahead of government lawyers’ strategies to ensure that your rights are protected. Matt Hamilton earned an accounting degree and an MBA in finance which, along with a law degree, give him the unique ability to explain the process. When you hire the Jarvis & Hamilton Law Firm, you receive honest answers, timely advice, updates on your case and realistic assessments of what to expect from the criminal justice system.
“From foreclosure to subprime cases, the government is aggressively pursuing charges in these areas. It is important to have attorneys who understand financial documents so you are well-defended. These cases usually involve countless financial statements, bank records and audits. I have the knowledge, experience and background in business to protect you if you are accused of any type of mortgage fraud crime.” – Matt Hamilton
Punishments for those convicted of financial crimes such as misrepresentation on a loan document are harsh, long-lasting and ruinous for a business reputation. A conviction could mean years in prison, substantial fines and a criminal record as a felon, to say nothing of its impact on your future professional and real estate dealings.
Jarvis & Hamilton Law Firm In Sherman – Aggressive Former Prosecutors On Your Side
The Jarvis & Hamilton Law Firm aggressively represents the rights of borrowers, lenders, mortgage brokers and others who may be investigated or arrested for mortgage fraud. If one of these situations describes yours, your confidential initial consultation with our lawyers is free of charge. call at 903-202-0516 or send an email message.